Penn State Smeal
Style Guidelines

An extension of the Penn State Brand Book


Penn State Visual Identity Standards

The examples below illustrate how Penn State’s visual identity standards apply to Smeal and its departments and centers. For more information, refer to

Penn State Smeal marks

Brand Colorfully

Smeal Primary Palette

These blues are central to the Penn State brand — just as the growth of our university is central to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

The Primary Brand Blues — Nittany Navy, Beaver Blue, and Pennsylvania Sky — are not only tied to our identity; they also reflect the active impact and strong roots Penn Staters have in communities across the Commonwealth.

While this palette uses colors found in the Penn State palette, the Smeal visual language elevates Pugh Blue (to Primary Palette) and de-emphasizes Beaver Blue (to Accent Palette).

Pantone 282

CMYK: 100, 90, 13, 68
RGB: 4, 30, 66
HEX #001E44

Nittany Navy

Pantone 284

CMYK: 40, 14, 0, 0
RGB: 150, 190, 230
HEX: #96BEE6

Pugh Blue

No Pantone

CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
RGB: 255, 255, 255


Pantone 2925

CYMK: 85, 21, 0, 0
RGB: 0, 156, 222
HEX: #009CDE

Pennsylvania Sky

Pantone 284

CMYK: 9, 3, 0, 0
RGB: 229, 237, 248

Pugh Blue 25%

Smeal Accent Palette

The Smeal Accent Palette is available to give you more flexibility when making color choices and add variety to your compositions.

Remember, Smeal Accent Palette colors should be secondary and in support of the Primary Palette.

These colors should not be used together in isolation of other colors in the palette.

Pantone 287

CMYK: 100, 76, 0, 18
RGB: 30, 64, 124
HEX #1E407C

Beaver Blue

Pantone 109

CMYK: 0, 9, 100, 0
RGB: 255, 209, 0
HEX: #FFD100

Bright Keystone


Typography is an essential component of our brand identity. Used consistently and effectively, typography distinguishes and adds personality to our communications, in addition to ensuring legibility.

Proxima Nova is the recommended sans serif font for use by internal and external designers for print communications. It is widely available on our system. It is a distinctive font with a round geometric quality and large ascenders and descenders.

Headers, Impact Statements, Intro Copy, Caption Copy

Proxima Nova

Font weight: ExtraBold

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0123456789

System Alternative


Font weight: Bold

Google Alternative


Font weight: Bold

Serifa is a classic slab serif with a large x-height in the lowercase letters.

Headlines, Subheadlines, Intro Copy, Body Copy, Caption Copy


Font weight: Regular (Std 55 Roman)

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0123456789

Font weight: Bold (Std 65 Roman)
Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 0123456789

System Alternative


Font weight: Bold

Google Alternative

Roboto Slab

Font weight: Bold

Intro Copy: Serifa Regular
Sentence case 28 pt.
Leading +3 pt / Tracking -10

Header: Proxima Nova Extrabold
Title case 68 pt.
Leading -10 pt / Tracking -20 with kerning
adjustments where required 

Body Intro: Proxima Nova Extrabold
Sentence case 20 pt.
Leading +3 pt. / Tracking 0

Body: Serifa Regular
Sentence case 18 pt.
Leading +3 pt / Tracking 0 

Call Out Box: Serifa Regular / Bold
Sentence case. 14 pt.
Leading +3 pt / Tracking 0 

We can carry more as leaders when we choose

The Right

Wherever you are today or imagine yourself tomorrow, Smeal is your business partner for life.

For that next great opportunity, we provide the skills, credentials, and confidence you need to thrive. We’re everywhere in the world and always in your corner – ready to open doors, offer advice, and cheer you on.

As a graduate of Smeal, you’re part of a network of more than 92,000 fellow alumni – and 760,000+ other Penn Staters – who are ready to open doors, offer advice, and cheer you on at every stage of your career.


Line spacing, called leading, should be set tight, but not too tight. For body copy, try leading that’s two or three points higher than the type size.

Leading that’s too tight leaves
too little pause between the lines.

x mark

Too tight 20pt. type / 24 pt. leading

Leading that’s too loose leaves
too great of a pause between the lines.

x mark

Too loose 20pt. type / 40 pt. leading

When leading is correct, the
reader won’t even notice.

check mark

Just right 20pt. type / default leading


The space between a range of letters is referred to as tracking.

Tracking that’s too tight leaves too
little space between letters.

x mark

Too tight 20pt. type / 24 pt. leading

Tracking that’s too loose leaves too
much space between letters.

x mark

Too loose 20pt. type / 40 pt. leading

When tracking is correct, the
reader won’t even notice.

check mark

Just right 20pt. type / default leading


Always choose ‘left alignment’ for text. It is clean and easy-to-read.

check mark


Align text against page guides/margins to improve consistency.

check mark

Aligned to guides


Capitalizing words or phrases gives TOO MUCH EMPHASIS.

x mark

Too distracting

Experiment with text size, color, and weight for a balanced emphasis.

check mark

Effective emphasis


Creating a label-maker effect gives too much emphasis.

x mark

Too distracting

Experiment with text size, color, and weight to draw attention.

check mark

Subtle enphasis

Rectangle Links

Use Rectangle Links sparingly to draw maximum attention to a Call-To-Action.

Underline Links

Use Underlined Links for a subtler Callto- Action. This is an ideal option when the design includes multiple Calls-To- Action. Experiment paring link colors with background colors.

Inaccessible Text

Always check the accessibility of the colors in your design. Your use of color MUST conform to the web accessibility standards adopted by Penn State: accessibility.

For text 18 points or greater, the text-to background contrast must be at least 3:1.

For text under 18 points, text-to-background contrast must be 4.5:1 or greater.

The text color combinations listed here are commonly used but do not pass Accessibility standards at any point size.

Inaccessible at any size

Text Color: White
Background Color: Pugh Blue
Contrast: 1.94:1
Accessibility limit: never accessible

Inaccessible at any size

Text Color: Pugh Blue
Background Color: PA Sky
Contrast: 1.58:1
Accessibility limit: never accessible

Inaccessible at any size

Text Color: Pugh Blue
Background Color: White
Contrast: 1.94:1
Accessibility limit: never accessible

Inaccessible at any size

Text Color: PA Sky
Background Color: Pugh Blue 25%
Contrast: 2.61:1
Accessibility limit: never accessible

Inaccessible at any size

Text Color: Pugh Blue
Background Color: PA Sky
Contrast: 1.58:1
Accessibility limit: never accessible

Inaccessible at any size

Text Color: Pugh Blue 25%
Background Color: PA Sky
Contrast: 2.61:1
Accessibility limit: never accessible

Accessible Text

The text color combinations listed here pass Accessibility standards. Some combinations require a minimum point size.

Accessible at 18+ pt

Text Color: PA Sky
Background Color: Nittany Navy
Accessibility limit: 18 pt or higher

Accessible at 18+ pt

Text Color: Nittany Navy
Background Color: PA Sky
Accessibility limit: 18 pt or higher

Accessible at 18+ pt

Text Color: PA Sky
Background Color: Beaver Blue
Accessibility limit: 18 pt or higher

Accessible at 18+ pt

Text Color: Beaver Blue
Background Color: Pugh Blue
Accessibility limit: 18 pt or higher

Accessible at 18+ pt

Text Color: Pugh Blue
Background Color: Beaver Blue
Accessibility limit: any size

Accessible at any size

Text Color: Pugh Blue
Background Color: Nittany Navy
Accessibility limit: any size

Accessible at any size

Text Color: White
Background Color: Nittany Navy
Accessibility limit: any size

Accessible at any size

Text Color: Bright Keystone
Background Color: Nittany Navy
Accessibility limit: any size

Accessible at any size

Text Color: White
Background Color: Beaver Blue
Accessibility limit: any size

Accessible at any size

Text Color: Bright Keystone
Background Color: Beaver Blue
Accessibility limit: any size

Accessible at any size

Text Color: Nittany Navy
Background Color: Pugh Blue
Accessibility limit: any size

Accessible at 18+ pt

Text Color: PA Sky
Background Color: White
Accessibility limit: 18 pt or higher

Accessible at any size

Text Color: Nittany Navy
Background Color: White
Accessibility limit: any size

Accessible at any size

Text Color: Beaver Blue
Background Color: White
Accessibility limit: any size